Friday, August 2, 2019

Rolled Oat Porridge

It seems strange to put down a recipe to make what we always called plain old 'oatmeal', but like with all things, there are ways of preparing a meal that is 'ok', and other ways that make it a bit special. I've tried to provide both volume and mass measurements, but they will always be a bit off since it all depends on the kind of oatmeal you use.

⅔ cup (about 3oz) oatmeal (quick cook or rolled oats)
2 cups milk (or cream, for the decadent)
¼ tsp salt
  1. Dry heat a saucepan on the stove top to very lightly toast the oats.
  2. While stirring, pour in the milk. Bring to just before boiling point. Turn down the heat to the lowest point (if you have a diffuser, use it to avoid scorching the milk). Sprinkle in the salt and stir it in
  3. Leave to cook for 10 to 20 minutes.
  4. Put in bowls and serve with sweetener and cream on the side.