Sunday, April 15, 2018

Red Rice

This is the perfect accompaniment to refried beans. Of course, the chicken broth can be replaced by vegetable broth for a vegetarian version.

12 oz fresh tomato, cored
1 onion (6oz/170g)
3 jalapenos or ½ tsp cayenne pepper (for this heat-sensitive, this can be omitted)
2 cups white rice
⅓ cup oil
4 minced garlic cloves
Chicken broth (about 2 cups, subs veg broth for vegetarian)
½ tsp cumin
1½ tsp salt
½ cup fresh cilantro
1 lime cut into wedges

  1. Run tomato and onion through a blender to pulverize. Measure out the quantity and add chicken broth until you get a total of 4 cups of tomato-onion-chicken broth.
  2. If using: Remove ribs and seeds of jalapeno and mince.
  3. Rince the rice under cold water for about 1½ minutes to remove starch for a light and dry cooked rice.
  4. Heat the oil in a large pan with straight sides until a few grains of rice sizzle when they hit the oil. Fry the rice until it turns golden, about 7 minutes, adding the garlic partway through to get it to caramelize a bit. (NOTE the rice will likely glom together and get weird, just keep stirring and breaking up the clumps until it dries and stops sticking together and turns a light golden).
  5. Add the cumin, cayenne (if using) and salt and stir constantly for about a minute before adding the pulverized veg the broth and pulverized veg.
  6. Add the veg-and-broth liquid. Bring to a boil and cover. Stir after 15 minutes to combine everything back together (the veg will tend to separate to the sides), then cook another 5 to 15 minutes until the rice is perfectly cooked.
  7. Stir in the jalapeno (if using) and cilantro; allow to rest, off the heat, for another 5 minutes.
  8. Serve with lime wedges.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Simple crèpe omelette

Eggs are a delicacy unto themselves. Sometimes, I just want a simple egg dish, and Laura Calder's French-Style Omelette is exactly what will satisfy. There is nothing I feel needs altering about this recipe, in all its glorious simplicity. I like to have it on a slice of lightly toasted Commons bread.

1 tsp (4.7gr) butter
2 eggs
1 tsp chopped fresh herbs (such as basil, dill, thyme, chervil or parsley)
Salt and pepper
  1. Melt the butter in an omelette or crêpe pan. 
  2. Lightly whisk the eggs and pour them into the hot pan. 
  3. When the bottom has just set enough to be lifted, gently lift up the edges, here and there, and, tilting the pan, let some of the runny part on top spill underneath. Do this until the top is set, but still a little slithery. 
  4. Sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs. Season with salt and pepper. 
  5. Then roll the omelette into log like a crepe and slip it onto a plate (or fold it a couple of times into a squarish slice and slip onto a lightly toasted piece of bread). 
  6. Brush the top with extra butter, if you like, to make it nice and glossy. Serve.